Toshiba launches new Canvio for Desktop USB 3.0 Hard Disk Drive

Toshiba’s new Canvio for Desktop offers up to 6 TB of storage in a stylish and versatile design
11th, March 2016 – Toshiba today announces the launch of the Canvio for Desktop, a new external hard disk drive (HDD). Following from its predecessor, the Canvio Desk, the unit combines storage of up to 6 TB1 with the future-proof USB 3.0 port making transferring files fast and easy.
The Canvio for Desktop allows users to store and backup files in a centralised place, right next to their computer. Available in a range of capacities – 2 TB, 3 TB, 4 TB, 5 TB and 6 TB, the device can hold thousands of valuable photos, files and music tracks. Powered by USB 3.0 technology, the Canvio for Desktop offers quick transfer speeds for fast download or transfer of large files in short timeframes. Plus, the USB 3.0 port is backwards compatible, supporting connection with older hardware using USB 2.0 ports just as easily and allowing data transfer when upgrading computer hardware. Canvio for Desktop hard drives are preformatted with NTFS for Windows® 10, Windows 8.1 and Windows® 7 and the drive comes with a NTFS driver for Mac making it possible to use either a Windows® or Mac PC without the need to reformat.
Files are safely protected with pre-loaded software that provides customisable backup options. Automatic backups can be scheduled any time and day, eliminating the risk of losing family photos and videos.
Encased in a stylish and versatile design the Canvio for Desktop can be placed horizontally, vertically or laid on flat on the desk. It can also be locked with a unique password, preventing unauthorised users from accessing private data stored on the hard drive. Plus, the hard drive includes a security lock slot, allowing use of a lock to secure the device and prevent theft or damage. Also using ECO power-off technology, the HDD turns off when the device it is connected with turns off, thus saving energy in the process.
The Canvio for Desktop HDD will be available in the colour black and in capacities of 2 TB, 3 TB, 4 TB, 5 TB and 6 TB. It will be available on the market from mid-May. From March 14th to 18th the new external hard drive will be presented at CeBIT 2016 together with the whole storage line-up of Toshiba in hall 14, booth H52.
[1] One Gigabyte (1GB) means 10 = 1,000,000,000 bytes and One Terabyte (1TB) means 10 = 1,000,000,000,000 bytes using powers of 10. A computer operating system, however, reports storage capacity 30 40 using powers of 2 for the definition of 1GB= 2 = 1,073,741,824 bytes and 1TB = 2 = 1,099,511,627,776 bytes, and therefore shows less storage capacity. Available storage capacity (including examples of various media files) will vary based on file size, formatting, settings, software and operating system and other factors.